Dashboard UI Kit

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    Table of contents

  1. Basic Usage
  2. Prop Table


import { Checkbox } from '@duik/it'
import Checkbox from '@duik/checkbox'

Who doesn't like customized checkboxes?

Basic Usage

<Checkbox defaultChecked />
ReactHTML Snippet
<Checkbox label="Check me" />
ReactHTML Snippet
<Checkbox description="With Description" label="Checkbox" />
ReactHTML Snippet
<Checkbox description="With Description" disabled label="Checkbox" />
ReactHTML Snippet

Prop table


Required: false

type: string
className, e.g. "my-custom-styling"

Required: false

type: React.ReactNode
Label text or node

Required: false

type: React.ReactNode
Label text or node

Required: false

type: any
Other properties are passed to the input element