Dashboard UI Kit

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import { OuterEventsHandler } from '@duik/it'
import OuterEventsHandler from '@duik/outer-events-handler'

This fairly simple component will let you know if selected events were triggered outside it's wrapping element. This is useful in situations like dropdowns, selects or modals. The component is used in some components in this kit as well, however we find it useful to expose it for your own creativity!

How it works?

Simply wrap your content with OuterEventsHandler and pass a single argument, a function that will be triggered when one of the supported events fires. By default, only outer clicks or hitting "esc" on your keyboard will trigger a passed function. See more options in the prop table description or live examples below.

Try to click outside/inside this content or press esc
Outer Events: 0
<OuterEventsHandler onOuterEvent={handleOuterEvent}>
  <div style={{ padding: 50, background: 'orange', color: 'white' }}>
    Try to click outside/inside this content<br />
    Outer Events: {clicks}
ReactHTML Snippet

This doesn't look that useful so far, let's see a real example of OuterEventsHandler in action with Dropdown, which is wrapped by OuterEventsHandler.

      padding: 50,
      textAlign: 'center'
    Dropdown Content
ReactHTML Snippet

More trigger events

As mentioned above, OuterEventsHandler can trigger a passed function on different circumstances, even on window resize or scroll. We can pass those bool props directly to the Dropdown. Dropdown doesn't use those boolean properties directly, it passes them down to the OuterEventsHandler instead.

Open the dropdown below and try to scroll or resize the window.

<Dropdown triggerOnOuterScroll triggerOnWindowResize>
      padding: 50,
      textAlign: 'center'
    Dropdown Content
ReactHTML Snippet

Prop table


Required: false

type: string
className, e.g. "my-custom-styling"

Required: false

type: React.ReactNode

Required: false

type: (e: Event) => void
Function which will be triggered when event occurs.

Required: false

type: boolean
If true, onOuterEvent will be triggered on window scroll event.

Required: false

type: boolean
If true, onOuterEvent will be triggered on window resize event.

Required: false

type: boolean

default value: true

If true, onOuterEvent will be triggered on document click event.

Required: false

type: boolean

default value: true

If true, onOuterEvent will be triggered on document focus event.

Required: false

type: boolean

default value: true

If true, onOuterEvent will be triggered on document keydown event.

Required: false

type: any
Other properties are passed down to the wrapping div element