<TextAreadefaultValue="Passing other attrs to textarea"label="Label"rows={10}/>
<divclass="form-group"><label>Label</label><textareaclass="form-control"rows="10">Passing other attrs to textarea</textarea></div>
ReactHTML Snippet
There is a problem
<TextAreaerrorMessage="There is a problem"label="Label"placeholder="Write Something"/>
<divclass="form-group"><label>Label</label><textareaclass="form-control is-invalid"placeholder="Write Something"></textarea><divclass="invalid-feedback">There is a problem</div></div>
<TextAreaclearplaceholder="Clear with no border or background"/>
<divclass="form-group"><textareaclass="form-control clear"placeholder="Clear with no border or background"></textarea></div>
ReactHTML Snippet
Prop table
Required: false
type: string
className, e.g. "my-custom-styling"
Required: false
type: string
Label text. Ideally you should pass "id" as well, TextField will automatically connect the label with "for"
Required: false
type: boolean
Renders without borders.
Required: false
type: React.ReactNode
Displays error message and renders input in error state.
Required: false
type: React.ReactNode
Displays success message and renders input in success state.
Required: false
type: boolean
When multiple elements are rendered, e.g. providing a label, the component will wrap the content with a FormGroup component for mroe consistent UI. pass noWrap={false} to disable the default behaviour.
Required: false
type: any
Other properties are passed down to the wrapping textarea element